Wednesday, 19 February 2014

My display cabinet, has just had a little bit of a clear out.

It's amusing as gamers how much crap we accumulate overtime, so it was about time that my Display cabinet had a little bit of a clear out. Much to the annoyance of my partner this takes centre stage in my living room, in fact it's one of the only areas that I own in the house, and there is definitely an advantage to having all your models fully displayed, as it lets you see the projects that you've currently completed and the ones that are still outstanding. Surprisingly I have never actually counted the points of all the orks I own, but it would easily top 5000 points, and as you can see they definitely take centre stage, and quite rightly too. Looking back I cannot imagine the number of hobby hours spent painting and modelling, it's probably best that I don't, nonetheless I'm still very please of my achievement but it's a never ending battle there is something always need to start and something to finish. So enjoy.

It's really good to look at your army all at once, as sometimes it can be quite rare for you to see everything together, it makes you realise and appreciate all the different elements that hopefully make it complete.

Still a lot of white which means I need to finish these guys, as they do stick out like sore thumbs, but I suppose it's the best form of motivation.


  1. Why are the pictures so small? Grrr....


    1. The majority of times I use my iPad to post so I'm going to have a look at the settings.

  2. Thats a nice, big cabinet. Where did you get it? I can only find ones that are about half that size.


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