Friday, 29 April 2011

My Converted 40k Ork Warboss In Mega Armour Or Should I Say Warlord

First of all I should start by saying this model has been a long time coming and is probably my best work to date, and he needs no introduction.

From the outset I wanted this model to be the biggest ork I could physically fit on the tabletop, which in turn makes him the center of attention by standing out with sheer size and bulk.

below is a photograph of all the different angles of the model for you to see.

Ork Banners at present play an integral role to give character to my army overal, and when it came to his it really needed to dominate the skyline and stand out from everything else I have done recently.

So I decided more is better on this occasion with all the ork glyphs playing a major part.

Overall probably my favorite bits of the miniature so when it came to deciding what weaponry he would have welded to his armor it was quite simple, and a obvious choice from the outset.

So this last pic gives a sense of scale to the model as you can see he dominates the other two miniatures.

What I have learned
1. I really did enjoy making him and spent about 20 hours in total to finish the project over 4 days/nights
2. Be more adventurous with plastic card
3. I want to convert 3 more mega armor to form his bodyguard, all converted with Ghazghkull's model to accompany him into battle.

What I would do differently
1 Get more sleep when modeling

Sunday, 24 April 2011

1500 Dark Angels Deathwing List 2011

So with the current changes to their book there seems to be a revival in 1500pt Dark Angels Deathwing lists, and to that effect I recently came across this one online.

For me the reason why it stands out is the use of bikes and plenty of them at that, and with 4 units of terminators on the tabletop to do deal with, and at such a low point level, it definitely poses a threat to all enemies it comes across.

1500pt Dark Angels Deathwing (2011) List
HQ Belial - Master of The Deathwing Twin Lightning Claws
1x1 Deathwing Command Squad
Deathwing Apothecary, Deathwing Company Standard Bearer, 4x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield Sergeant Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
1x3 Deathwing Terminator Squad
Cyclone Missile Launcher, 4x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield Sergeant Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
1x2Ravenwing Attack Squadron
Ravenwing Bikers 2x Meltagun 1 Ravenwing Attack Bike Multi Melta 1 Veteran Sergeant Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs

Monday, 18 April 2011

Nob's and what's the best equipment load out to maximise the cheese factor

So yes a bit behind the times, but recently I upgraded and have recruited some Nobs and Just recently bought a ork nob box set, and was just wondering what is the best load out i.e. when it comes to equipment, to maximise the cheese factor.

The rules in 5th edition force you to allocate wounds before rolling to save, and allocate them evenly if the unit takes enough hits to cover the entire unit, ie. 10 hits and 10 models in the squad. However, while this sounds fairly reasonable, it is open to all kind sof abuse.

The reason you give each model a different set of equipment is that you must remove whole models where possible and combine wounds when models are armed the same. So, if you have 5 identical models and take your saves and lose 3 wounds you would have to assign the 3 wounds first to a single nob, who would lose 2 wounds and then give the remaining wound to another nob. Now you are down a Nob. However, if you have 10 different nobz you can put one wound on each, then take your saves. Since no two models are the same you can't combine wounds. Even if you fail every save you make, you haven't lost a single Nob because the wounds won't get combined. This is also helpful, because more often than not you won't take 10 total wounds. You will take only a few wounds, so you can choose where to put the wounds. You put the wounds that will insta-kill a Nob onto the guy with no upgrades, or the spent Kombi weapon, and you add the wounds you can save against on the models that have not taken any wounds until all of your models have taken a single wound.

1. 1500pts Games 5 to 7 Nobs
2. 1750pts Games 7 to 10 Nobs

1500pts Games 5 Nob

Nob-PK, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-PK, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, cyborg
235 points

1750pts Games 7 Nobs

Nob-PK, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-PK, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, cyborg
Nob-Slugga, choppa, cyborg
Painboy- waagh banner, cyborg
340 points

Games 10 Nobs

Nob-PK, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-PK, BP, Cyborg
Nob-PK, eavy armour, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, eavy armour, cyborg
Nob-Slugga, choppa, cyborg
Nob-Slugga, choppa, eavy armour, cyborg
Painboy- waagh banner, cyborg
460 points

Or the middle ground between tournament standard and casual. Usually, that means taking my 7 man Nob Squad, as follows:

Nob, PK, Eavy Armour
Nob, Painboy, Eavy Armour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Waaagh! Banner, Eavy Armour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour

Comes in at a nice 245pts.

Then you join my Warboss (PK, Shoota, Eavy Armour, Cybork, Squig, BP), throw them in my Battlewagon, and head for the high priority targets.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

3 Rogue Trader 1990s Converted Ork Battlewagon

So I've been working on these for a while now and I think overall they have worked out quite well, the original model are not very big so with a little bit of persuasion it wasn't too difficult to join the two kits together, to make it bigger. After all the boys will need room for manoeuvring.

I posted a more pics, and yes you are quite right the models themselves are quite expensive to come across on eBay. Although I set myself a limit at £20 each

A friend was buying the ork trucks to convert for his Imperial guard army it turned out not too expensive,
considering he gave me all the bits that he didn't want.

this pic shows the size with ork beside the models

And the ones that I eventually got were a bit battered and bruised but that didn't matter at all considering I was going to convert them anyway.

The Problem is now I just need to get another 3 as I want them all the same.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

My 40k Converted Squats Army

Introducing the The 40th Corps 54th Massachusetts Miners

The Theme
I have been pondering over My 40k Squats for a while now, and there is a lot of options available within the current pages of the IG codex. By believing the propaganda, the Squats homeworlds were extinct and wiped out long ago but surely other colonies would have survive outside their home worlds.

For me the only way forward as to organiser a fighting force is to be incorporated into the Imperial guard and to that effect, that is the policy that I wish to sign up to.

Squats evolved from the human miners and explorers sent to reap the mineral wealth at the center of the galaxy. The high gravity environment, combined with the punishing mining conditions eventually changed their morphology. The subsequent generations became gradually shorter and stockier. The Squat Home Worlds were isolated from the rest of humanity during the Age of Isolation.

When they were reunited with the rest of the Imperium, wars were launched against them in the belief that they were aliens. Eventually the Squats were accepted, along with other abhumans, as being human in nature. They are now considered a separate race, though they are fundamentally human.

The 54th Commanding officer

The Film Glory, is going to be at the heart of its theme which centres around the first black regiment that was in the American Civil War.

And if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend you do.

3 of the 54th officers

The Fluff and background of the 54th Army

The regiment was one of the first official Squats units in the Imperial Guard to see, and fight on the frontline. Squats up until that moment were used as slave labor on many years and fought against prejudice and racism from other Imperial citizens and soldiers within its ranks.

The Squats were never going to see combat. They were seen as a race of a bygone age not worthy of front-line service fighting for the Emperor, and If not for Colonel Shaw’s father, they never would have. The 54th was controversial, many people supported the abolition of slavery, but still treated Squats as lesser or inferior to humans, and would do so even today.

Though some claimed Squats could not fight as well as humans, the actions of the 54th demonstrated once again the fallacy in that argument, as this was not the first time Squats ever fought in wars or even for the Imperial guard. Many had fought in many imperium Revolution on both fighting sides. Many more Squats join the regiment, to escaped slave that there battle brothers had ensured for decades.

54th Sergeant

To War And Service
After a few months of training exercises, the 54th got their orders: They were to report to Hilton Head, South sector, where they arrived 1862 41M. one calendar eath month later, they saw their first combat action in a skirmish on nearby James Island. They saw the most severe action and earned most of their fame from the part they played in an attack on Fort Whaagh Wagner.

To The front line
Colonel Shaw pulled every string that he could to get his Squats to the front line in the war His wish was granted by his father and the 54th Massachusetts Miners was sent to assist in the attack on Fort WHAAGH Wagner, and massive structure that had stood the test of time in its defiance against all opposition thrown against it. Upon his arrival, Colonel Shaw volunteered his regiment to lead and spearheaded the assault all of which would go down in history.

Heavy weapons team

The Battles for Fort Whaagh Wagner
The most famous regiment that fought in the battle of Fort WHAAGH Wagner was the 54th Massachusetts Miners (Volunteer Infantry)regiment, which was one of the first Squats regiments in the war and gained it recognition throughout the imperium. The attack from the outset was ill planned and suicidal. Over half of the Squats that charged with the 54th were lost. Consequently, Fort WHAAGH Wagner was never taken by any assault After the battle, Ork Boys buried the regiment's commanding officer, Colonel Shaw, in a mass grave with the Squats soldiers of his regiment, viewing this as an insult to him, Instead, his regiment thanked the ork boys for burying Shaw with his men something that would not be forgotten that day but remembered and revenged on many worlds in the future.

Which is one of the regiments battlecry (Your Not Forgotten But Revenged)

The mass grave at Fort WHAAGH Wagner no longer exists, the site has eroded, almost deleted from record, but the remains of Colonel Shaw and his Squats live on in the actions of heroism, that the Squats demonstrate when fighting to day.

Wmffre Cronus, an sergeant with the 54th, is considered the first Squat recipient of the Honorifica Imperialis for his actions that day in recovering and returning the unit's Flag to Imperial lines and with that one of the most respected positions within the regiment is a flag carrier.

Pay controversy
The enlisted Squats of the 54th were recruited on the promise of pay and allowances equal to their human counterparts. This was supposed to amount to subsistence and 13 imperium credits a month. Instead Squats soldiers were paid 10 credits a month with 3 credits withheld for clothing, equaling 7 credits in the end of the month. (Human troops had nothing withheld from their monthly in the up the difference in pay, on principle, a regiment-wide boycott of the pay tables on paydays became the norm.

The 54th Today
From that date the regiment has increased in size and number and stature within the 40th Corps and it forms an integral part of military operations within the sector. The 54th is fighting machine that is currently involved in many conflicts throughout the imperium, and forms a part of the Imperial Guards 40th Corps.

Volunteering is at the very heart of the regiment. They have the reputation of being one of the most resilient regiments within the 40th Corps and normally volunteered there service when normal imperium soldiers would shy away.

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