So yes a bit behind the times, but recently I upgraded and have recruited some Nobs and Just recently bought a ork nob box set, and was just wondering what is the best load out i.e. when it comes to equipment, to maximise the cheese factor.
The rules in 5th edition force you to allocate wounds before rolling to save, and allocate them evenly if the unit takes enough hits to cover the entire unit, ie. 10 hits and 10 models in the squad. However, while this sounds fairly reasonable, it is open to all kind sof abuse.
The reason you give each model a different set of equipment is that you must remove whole models where possible and combine wounds when models are armed the same. So, if you have 5 identical models and take your saves and lose 3 wounds you would have to assign the 3 wounds first to a single nob, who would lose 2 wounds and then give the remaining wound to another nob. Now you are down a Nob. However, if you have 10 different nobz you can put one wound on each, then take your saves. Since no two models are the same you can't combine wounds. Even if you fail every save you make, you haven't lost a single Nob because the wounds won't get combined. This is also helpful, because more often than not you won't take 10 total wounds. You will take only a few wounds, so you can choose where to put the wounds. You put the wounds that will insta-kill a Nob onto the guy with no upgrades, or the spent Kombi weapon, and you add the wounds you can save against on the models that have not taken any wounds until all of your models have taken a single wound.
1. 1500pts Games 5 to 7 Nobs
2. 1750pts Games 7 to 10 Nobs
1500pts Games 5 Nob
Nob-PK, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-PK, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, cyborg
235 points
1750pts Games 7 Nobs
Nob-PK, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-PK, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, cyborg
Nob-Slugga, choppa, cyborg
Painboy- waagh banner, cyborg
340 points
2000pts Games 10 Nobs
Nob-PK, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-PK, BP, Cyborg
Nob-PK, eavy armour, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, kombi skorcha, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, BP, Cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, cyborg
Nob-Big choppa, eavy armour, cyborg
Nob-Slugga, choppa, cyborg
Nob-Slugga, choppa, eavy armour, cyborg
Painboy- waagh banner, cyborg
460 points
Or the middle ground between tournament standard and casual. Usually, that means taking my 7 man Nob Squad, as follows:
Nob, PK, Eavy Armour
Nob, Painboy, Eavy Armour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Waaagh! Banner, Eavy Armour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Nob, Slugga/Choppa, Eavy Amour
Comes in at a nice 245pts.
Then you join my Warboss (PK, Shoota, Eavy Armour, Cybork, Squig, BP), throw them in my Battlewagon, and head for the high priority targets.