Saturday, 30 July 2011
My Conversions Wazdakka Gutsmek (Painted)
Friday, 22 July 2011
Ork Dred Bash 1750pts So Here It Is My Tournament Army (PICS)
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Building A Better Waaagh Banner (Part 2)
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
A Tool For Quickly Creating Army Rosters BattleScribe 1.11.01b Released

- Support for different game types, e.g. Apocalypse or Planetstrike. This is added to the Game System file.
- Performance improvements when reading data files. This should help especially for BattleScribe Mobile loading times.
- Rosters will now update to reflect changes (e.g. points fixes) in catalogue/game system files when you open them.
- Copy as BBCode option in View Roster dialog. It's the normal text output wrapped in a BBCode "code" tag, meaning it will keep it's indentation in forum posts.
- Added affiliate links to several on-line stores so it's convenient to go and make purchases for your army. Purchases made through these links make a few bucks for BattleScribe.
- BattleScribe will notify you if there is a new version available, and provide a link to download it.
- Data indexer will ensure data files are in the latest file format, and that they are zipped before creating the index.
- File size drastically reduced - I've gone back to using XML attributes wherever possible instead of elements, and removed indentation.
- Fixed bug where min/max selections of root entries wasn't being ignored, meaning you sometimes couldn't remove root selections.
- Fixed bug where error "You can have at most -x selections from y" was always shown for collective entries.
- Various UI tweeks.
And a couple more, just for BattleScribe Mobile:
- Added a "Save As" menu item, so you can save copies of the list.
- Added a "first run" screen with some information on data files: where to get them and how to use them.
- The screen will no-longer go to sleep when long-running tasks are happening, such as when it's loading files or updating the file format.
- Improvements to some of the "loading" screens so they give a little more information and the animation always works.
- Warning: BattleScribe Mobile can take quite a while updating your data files to the new format - especially if you have a lot of them. Be patient! Once it's done it won't have to do it again. An alternative would be to delete your data files and replace them with ones you've already upgraded.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
1750pts Competitive 6 Ork Battlewagon list (ETC Style)

And as always trying to find the best possible list for the points no easy task but I think I'm getting their so have a look below and make sure to leave some comments on what use think.
Big Mek Choppa, Kustom Force Field
Warboss Cybork Body, Power Klaw, Warbike
2X3 Meganob (1) Kombi Shoota-Scorcha (1) Kombi Shoota-Rokkit Launcha, Battle Wagon Big Shoota, Deff Rolla
1X3 Meganob(1) Kombi Shoota-Scorcha (1) Kombi Shoota-Rokkit Launcha, Battle Wagon Big Shoota, Deff Rolla
1x17x Boy Shootas Nob Bosspole, Power Klaw
2X17x Slugga & Choppa Nob Bosspole, Power Klaw
11x Gretchin (1) Runt Herder Grabba Stikk
Heavy Support
1xBattle Wagon (1) Big Shoota,
2X Battle Wagon (1) Big Shoota, (1) Deff Rolla
Pts 1749
So what makes this list different well for a start it includes 6 battlewagons at its disposal and 5 scoring units that can successfully hold objectives, also includes a war boss on bike which I think will give me the edge late in the game
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Building A Better Waaagh Banner (Part 1)
Friday, 8 July 2011
ETC 2011 Team Poland, Italy, Grease, Ork Lists Review (Part 1)

So this year's lists have been posted up for this year's ETC and orks have taken centre stage with most of the teams entering this years tournament. So I'm going to post up all the ork players lists and do a quick review in what I think they're taking and how effective they will be on the tabletop there seems to be a big change this year.
So to see all of the teams lists for this year ETC checkout this link
PLAYER 2: Piotr "Emeryt" Jaworski
HQ1 : Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Cybork Body, Attack Squig, Kombi-Skorcha [155pts]
HQ2 : Big Mek, Kombi-Rokkit (5pts), Kustom Force Field (50pts), Ammo Runt (3pts) [93pts]
Troop 1 : 30 Slugga Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]
Troop 2 : 30 Slugga Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]
Troop 3 : 30 Slugga Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]
Troop 4 : 30 Shoota Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]
Troop 5 : 25 Shoota Boyz (150pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [210pts]
Troop 6 : 10 Gretchin (30pts), Runtherd (10pts) [40pts]
HS1: 3 Big Gunz (60pts), 3xLobba (15pts), 3xAmmo Runt (9pts) [84pts]
HS2: 3 Big Gunz (60pts), 3xLobba (15pts), 3xAmmo Runt (9pts) [84pts]
HS3: 3 Big Gunz (60pts), 3xLobba (15pts), 3xAmmo Runt (9pts) [84pts]
TOTAL [1750pts]
So last year's winners have decided to come back and this list's shows no signs of softening. It looks like it's designed against infantry with 9xLobba at its disposal, overall a very well rounded list putting a extreme amount of boys on the tabletop.
TEAM : Italy
Player 6: Alessandro "Settra" Leto Colombo
HQ1: Warboss (60) Mega-armour (40) Powerclaw (0) Twin-Linked Shoota (0) Cybork Body (10) Bosspole (5) [115]
HQ2: Big Mek (35) Kustom Force Field (50) BossPole(5) [90]
Elite1: 4 Mega Nobz (40*4)1 Combi scorcha (5) 1 Combi Rokita (5) in Transport 1 [170]
Troop1: 4 Mega Nobz (40*4)1 Combi scorcha (5) in Transport 2 [165]
Troop2: 17 boyz (17*6) Nob (10) Powerklaw (25) Bosspole (5) [142]
Troop3: 17 boyz (17*6) Nob (10) Powerklaw (25) Bosspole (5) [142]
Troop4: 11 boyz (11*6) Nob (10) Powerklaw (25) Bosspole (5) in Transport 3 [106]
FA1: 3 Warbuggie Rokit (3 * [30+5]) [105]
FA2: 3 Warbuggie Rokit (3 * [30+5]) [105]
FA3: 2 Warbuggie Rokit (2 * [30+5]) [70]
H1: Battlewagon (90) BigShoota (5) Rolla(20) Riggers(5) [120]
H2: Battlewagon (90) BigShoota (5) Rolla(20) Riggers(5) [120]
Transport 1: Battlewagon (90) BigShoota (5) Rolla (20) Riggers (5) Armour Plate (10) Elite1 [130]
Transport 2: Battlewagon (90) BigShoota (5) Rolla (20) Riggers (5) Armour Plate (10) Troop1[130]
Transport 3: Trukk (35) Reinforced Ram (5) Troop4 [40]
Total [1750]
There's something about this list that I like namely the amount of battlewagons included in it at five this is a healthy number also managing to squeeze in 8 warbuggies it can go head-to-head with most armoured vehicles although the only thing that concerns me is its elites generally I find 3 mega nobs is more than sufficient so including more mightn't necessarily get you anything above what 3 could get you in regards to combat.
PLAYER: Milosz Dziembowski
HQ1: Warboss [60] power klaw [25], Kombi Skorcha [5], Cyborg Body [10], 'eavy armour [5] 105pts
HQ2: Big Mek [35] KFF [50] 85pts
Troop 1: 30 Choppa&sluga Boyz [30x6], 1x Nob [10] power klaw [25], bosspole [5], 3x rokkit launcha [3x10] 250pts
Troop 2: 30 Choppa&sluga Boyz [30x6], 1x Nob [10] power klaw [25], bosspole [5], 3x rokkit launcha [3x10] 250pts
Troop 3: 30 Choppa&sluga Boyz [30x6], 1x Nob [10] power klaw [25], bosspole [5], 3x rokkit launcha [3x10] 250pts
Troop 4: 30 Choppa&sluga Boyz [30x6], 1x Nob [10] power klaw [25], bosspole [5], 2x rokkit launcha [3x10] 250pts
Troop 5: 11 10x Gretchin [10x3], 1x Runtherd [10] 40pts
Troop 6: 11 10x Gretchin [10x3], 1x Runtherd [10] 40pts
Elite1: 5 Lootas [5x15] 5x deffgun 75pts
Elite2: 5 Lootas [5x15] 5x deffgun 75pts
Elite3: 5 Lootas [5x15] 5x deffgun 75pts
HS1: 4 Big Gunz 3 x Lobba [3x25], 3 Ammo Runts [3x3], 1x additional grot [3] 87pts
HS2: 3 Big Gunz 3 x Lobba [3x25], 3 Ammo Runts [3x3] 84pts
HS3: 3 Big Gunz 3 x Lobba [3x25], 3 Ammo Runts [3x3] 84pts
TOTAL 1749pt
Another list similar to Poland in regards to their heavy support choices plus adding 15 Lootas gives it a much-needed punch at long-distance which probably makes it a better list in my opinion. So there's also a ? In regards to whether or not you need a warboss as it seems to be quite defensive in style maybe you could spend the points elsewhere possibly adding more Lootas.