Wednesday 26 August 2015

My New Nurgle Chaos Army Group Shot And Hobby Update.

What a hectic couple of months, as with work commitments and every day life, it's certainly had an impact in regards to my ability on posting regular updates on my blog. But fear not I have still been very busy on the hobby front' and as you can see in the pictures. I'm really enjoying the project and it's probably one of the best bits when you look back and see things starting to really take shape. I'm still working on other chaos stuff which are under development and hopefully over the next couple of weeks I'll be able to showcase them.

Sunday 15 March 2015

My 40k BATTLE ZONE MORTALIS board set.

Like most of us I cannot justify spending money to buy an official one from forge world, so I have decided to have a go at making one myself. And as always I'm looking to keep things as cheap as physically possible, using materials that you can easily get around the house. So after I did a little bit of research I realise that I plan to make a 4X4 boards worth of tiles Plus in time I'm going to make little bits and pieces of scenery as well as bulkheads doors, to make things look a little bit more realistic.

The tiles themselves are very simple to make, using polystyrene cardboard formboard and textured paint.

A simple project and hopefully it will inspire you to make your own as you can see of hundreds of pounds doing it yourself and as always with a little bit of work, it's easily enough done, and looks great on the table top.

For painting I wanted it to be dark and Gothic I didn't want to much colour which and I also ruled out painting the floor silver as I thought it didn't look quite right. As things stand I'm really pleased and in time Will definitely be doing a couple of other little bits and pieces to add a little bit more character to the boards look over all.
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